Ga Kho Gung Recipe – Braised Chicken with Ginger

Vietnamese Recipes

Kelly Thuy
Kelly Thuy
I'm Kelly Thuy, Content Writer at, specializing in cuisine and travel. I bring flavors and adventures to life through my writing.

Braised chicken is an incredibly popular and beloved dish in Vietnamese cuisine. The delicate combination of the rich sweetness of the chicken, the blend of spices, and the thick, flavorful sauce creates a dish full of taste. There are many different ways to braise chicken depending on the region and ingredients, but most Vietnamese-style braised chicken will include ginger and lemongrass to enhance its appealing flavor. With a few simple steps, you can prepare delicious Vietnamese-style braised chicken at home.

Braised Chicken with Ginger

Prepare the Ingredients

First, to make Vietnamese-style braised chicken with ginger and lemongrass, you need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • 1 chicken, cut into bite-sized pieces (about 800g-1kg).
  • 2-3 tablespoons soy sauce.
  • 2 tablespoons sugar.
  • 1 teaspoon salt.
  • 3-4 cloves garlic, minced.
  • 1 shallot, thinly sliced.
  • 2-3 chili peppers.
  • 1 ginger root, julienned.
  • 2 stalks lemongrass, thinly sliced into rings.
  • Broth (about 200ml).
  • 1-2 tablespoons cooking oil.
  • Herbs such as green onions and cilantro (optional).

ga kho gung recipe

How to Cook Braised Chicken with Ginger and Lemongrass

Step 1: Prepare the Chicken

  • Clean the chicken pieces and let them drain.
  • Cut the chicken into bite-sized pieces, about 3-4 cm.

Step 2: Marinate the Chicken

  • In a large bowl, add the chicken, then add soy sauce, sugar, and salt.
  • Mix the marinade ingredients well and let the chicken marinate for 30 minutes to absorb the flavors evenly.
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uop ga kho

Step 3: Sauté the Garlic and Shallots

  • Add cooking oil to a pan and heat it over medium heat.
  • Add the minced garlic and sliced shallots, and sauté until they turn golden brown and fragrant.

Braised Chicken with Ginger

Step 4: Braise the Chicken

  • Add the marinated chicken pieces to the pan and stir well to cook the chicken gradually.
  • Add the julienned ginger, sliced lemongrass, and broth.
  • Cover the pan and braise the chicken for about 20-25 minutes until the chicken is tender and soft.
  • Adjust the seasoning (soy sauce, sugar, salt) to taste.

Step 5: Finish the Dish

  • Turn off the heat, and sprinkle some sliced chili, green onions, and cilantro on top.
  • Serve the braised chicken on a plate and enjoy it hot with white rice.

And there you have it, a delicious and flavorful Vietnamese-style braised chicken with ginger and lemongrass is ready to be enjoyed. With these simple steps, you can easily prepare this traditional dish at home.

ga kho gung sa

A Few Tips to Keep in Mind When Cooking Braised Chicken

Choose fresh, free-range chicken (or farm-raised chicken) that is clean and not fishy to ensure deliciousness and food safety.

Marinating the chicken with soy sauce, sugar, and salt will help the flavors penetrate the meat, enhancing the taste. Adjust the seasoning during cooking to suit your taste.

While braising the chicken, maintain a moderate heat to prevent the chicken from drying out. Braise for about 20-25 minutes until the chicken is tender and soft.

Adding broth while braising the chicken will prevent the dish from drying out and create a rich, flavorful taste. Sprinkling some herbs like green onions and cilantro will enhance the flavor and color of the braised chicken.

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In addition to these points, when preparing braised chicken dishes, you should also note:

  • Avoid eating the head, skin with a lot of fat, and neck of the chicken.
  • Remove the chicken tail.
  • Clean the chicken thoroughly before cooking braised chicken.

How Many Calories Are in Braised Chicken?

Recipes for delicious braised dishes often use many spices and ingredients, resulting in high calorie content. Depending on the chicken part you use, the calorie content varies. Typically, a whole chicken is used in braised chicken dishes, with an estimated calorie count as follows:

In 100g of braised chicken, there are approximately 223 calories. This is relatively high compared to other chicken dishes. For example, grilled chicken has 196 calories, boiled chicken has 180 calories, and simmered chicken has only 118 calories.

Therefore, when eating braised chicken, you need to adjust your portion sizes to avoid consuming too many calories.

To ensure health safety, you should eat braised chicken with boiled vegetables, soup, and fruits to increase fiber and other vitamins. Note that this dish pairs well with rice, so eating too much white rice can lead to excess calorie intake, which may contribute to weight gain.

Note on Who Should Avoid Eating Braised Chicken

Although braised chicken is flavorful and pairs well with rice, it’s not suitable for everyone. Some groups of people should avoid eating chicken if they have certain health conditions or issues.

  • Patients who have recently undergone surgery or have open wounds needing time to heal should avoid this dish, as it may cause itching, keloid scars, and slow wound healing.
  • People diagnosed with cirrhosis should consider limiting braised chicken intake because chicken contains fats that are difficult to digest, putting pressure on the liver and digestive system. People with cirrhosis should follow a careful diet to support liver health.
  • People with chickenpox should avoid eating chicken as it can cause skin inflammation during treatment because chicken contains arachidonic acid, which can increase the risk of inflammation and negatively affect symptoms of the disease.
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Additionally, those with cardiovascular diseases, high blood pressure, arthritis, or frequent digestive issues should limit their consumption of chicken and braised chicken dishes.

With the Vietnamese-style braised chicken recipe and the above considerations, you can create a delicious, flavorful dish combining ginger, lemongrass, and chili that many people love. Use the recipes above to enrich your daily meal plan. Good luck!

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Vietnamese Cuisine

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