Lemongrass Chili Chicken Recipe (Ga Xao Sa Ot)

Vietnamese Recipes

Nhã Linh
Nhã Linhhttps://foodvietnamese.com/
As a travel and culinary enthusiast, I wish to share my experiences from the places I've visited across Vietnam and around the world.

When you mention lemongrass chili chicken, people immediately think of the aromatic sauce made from chili and lemongrass, along with the tender, flavorful chicken soaked in spices. This dish is easy to make and doesn’t take too much time to prepare, and this article from Food Vietnamese will share how to do it with you.

Chicken is a type of white meat that offers high nutritional value and can be transformed into many delicious dishes. Vietnamese home cooks have skillfully created lemongrass chili chicken, blending many common, easy-to-find ingredients that are both nutritious and appetizing. The information below will help you master the simple, traditional recipe for lemongrass chili chicken right in your own kitchen.

Ingredients for Lemongrass Chili Chicken

To prepare lemongrass chili chicken for a family of four, you’ll need the following ingredients:

  • Half a chicken
  • 3 stalks of lemongrass
  • 1 red chili pepper
  • 1 teaspoon of MSG (optional)
  • 1 teaspoon of seasoning powder
  • 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder
  • 1 teaspoon of fish sauce
  • 1 tablespoon of cooking oil
  • A bit of roasted sesame seeds (optional)

gà xào sả ớt

Instructions for Making Lemongrass Chili Chicken

After preparing all the ingredients, follow these steps:

Ingredient Preparation Steps

  1. Clean the chicken, use a knife to separate the lean meat, and cut it into bite-sized pieces. Instead of discarding the chicken bones, you can use them to make broth for porridge, soups, or stews. The broth will be sweet and clear.
  2. To reduce the odor of the chicken, you can soak the chicken meat in diluted saltwater for about 10 minutes, then take it out and rinse it with clean water and let it drain. Besides diluted saltwater, you can also use white wine and crushed ginger in a 1:1 ratio to rub on each side of the chicken, then rinse thoroughly with clean water.
  3. Clean the lemongrass, slice the bottom part thinly, and cut the upper stalks in half.
  4. Wash the chili pepper and slice it thinly.
  5. Place the prepared chicken in a bowl, add 1 teaspoon of seasoning powder, 1 teaspoon of MSG (optional), and 1 teaspoon of fish sauce, then mix well. Let it sit for about 15 minutes to allow the chicken to absorb the flavors.
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cách làm gà xào sả ớt

How to Cook Lemongrass Chili Chicken

  1. Place a pan on the stove, add 1 tablespoon of cooking oil, and wait until the oil is hot. Then add the lemongrass and chili, and sauté until fragrant.
  2. Pour in the marinated chicken mixture, stir over medium heat, and wait until the meat firms up. Cover the pan and cook for an additional 2 to 3 minutes to ensure the chicken is cooked through.
  3. Add 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder to the pan to give the chicken a beautiful golden color. Stir the chicken in the pan once more, adjust the seasoning to taste, and then turn off the heat.
  4. Transfer the chicken to a plate, sprinkle some roasted sesame seeds on top to enhance the flavor and make the dish more visually appealing. The finished lemongrass chili chicken will have a delightful aroma from the lemongrass, with tender, flavorful chicken pieces that are rich, slightly fatty, and spicy. This dish is sure to make your meal more appetizing!

thịt gà xào sả ớt

Notes for Making Lemongrass Chili Chicken

Making lemongrass chili chicken doesn’t require a lot of skills or complicated cooking methods. However, you should pay attention to the following points to make the dish more delicious:

  • Choose free-range chicken to ensure the dish is fragrant and sweet, with tender yet firm meat that doesn’t fall apart.
  • Prefer purchasing chicken from reputable stores or large supermarkets to ensure the quality of the final product.
  • Use coarse salt and a little ginger wine to remove the odor from the chicken before cooking, which will prevent the dish from having a fishy smell.
  • To cook the meat quickly and ensure it absorbs the seasoning evenly, separate the chicken meat from the bones and cut it into bite-sized pieces.
  • Before cutting the chicken into small pieces, use a fork or toothpick to gently poke the chicken so that the seasoning penetrates more easily and quickly during marination before stir-frying with lemongrass and chili.
  • If possible, marinate the chicken overnight and store it in the refrigerator to enhance the flavor of the dish.
  • To increase the dish’s visual appeal, add the sliced chili at the very end when the chicken is cooked and about to be removed from the heat, so the chili remains intact and retains its vibrant red color.
  • The finished lemongrass chili chicken should have an eye-catching bright yellow color, an enticing aroma from the lemongrass, and the fresh red color of the chili. When eating, the chicken should be cooked to a tender consistency without losing its firmness, and it should not be mushy or crumbly.
  • Lemongrass chili chicken tastes best when served hot with white rice, and there’s no need for additional dipping sauce as the chicken is already well-seasoned.
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Tips for Choosing Good Chicken

The quality of the lemongrass chili chicken dish depends on the ingredients, so keep the following in mind:

  • Choose free-range chicken instead of industrially raised chicken for fragrant, firm meat that doesn’t fall apart when cooked. Free-range chickens are typically smaller in size and weight compared to industrial chickens.
  • Select chickens with light yellow skin that feels thin and smooth to the touch, with good elasticity, and without bumps or bruises on the skin.
  • When you press lightly on the chicken, especially the breast and thighs, it should feel firm, indicating good quality meat.
  • If you prefer tender and fatty chicken, choose a hen. Conversely, if you want firmer, leaner meat with less fat, opt for a rooster.
  • Avoid buying chicken with pale color, black spots, or bruises, as this may indicate old meat, which is less tasty and lacks nutritional value.

I hope these tips help you understand the detailed process of making delicious and flavorful lemongrass chili chicken. With just 30 minutes from preparation to completion, you can have a fragrant dish to treat your family. Visit Foodvietnamese.com daily for more suggestions to enrich your cozy family meals!

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