Vietnamese Steamed Layer Cake – (Bánh Da Lợn Recipe)

Vietnamese Recipes

Kelly Thuy
Kelly Thuy
I'm Kelly Thuy, Content Writer at, specializing in cuisine and travel. I bring flavors and adventures to life through my writing.

When I was a child, I often saw my grandmother preparing delicious “bánh da lợn” for festive occasions. Each time, her small kitchen would be filled with the sweet aroma of coconut milk and pandan leaves. I remember those summer afternoons when my grandmother and I would sit by the stove, she meticulously measuring each ingredient while I eagerly watched the ivory batter gradually turn into a refreshing green color.

The first time I made “bánh da lợn” by myself, I called my grandmother for the recipe and her special tips that only she knew. She emphasized that the secret to a soft and smooth cake is to patiently stir the batter until it’s smooth and to steam each layer carefully. I remember her laughingly saying, “Making a cake is like taking care of a child; you have to be gentle and loving.”

When the first cake came out of the steamer, I couldn’t wait to cut a piece and taste it. The soft texture, the mild sweetness of mung beans blended with the aroma of pandan leaves, brought me back to the childhood days with my grandmother. Although my cake wasn’t as perfect as hers, it was a valuable experience that helped me understand more about the value of traditional dishes and family love.

This cake, with its meticulous and elaborate preparation, often requires patience and attention to detail from the baker. The layers are carefully crafted, from mixing the ingredients to steaming each layer, ensuring a consistent and appealing flavor in every bite. “Bánh da lợn” symbolizes connection and reunion in family gatherings. Let’s explore more about “bánh da lợn” in the following sections below.

Ingredients for Making “Bánh Da Lợn”

Choosing the right ingredients is crucial for making “bánh da lợn” because they determine the cake’s flavor and quality. The basic ingredients are simple and easy to find, suitable for any family. These include tapioca starch, rice flour, mung beans, coconut milk, sugar, and natural coloring agents to enhance the cake’s appearance.

Here is a detailed list of ingredients and their functions in “bánh da lợn”:

Ingredient Quantity Function
Tapioca starch 135-150g Adds elasticity and chewiness to the cake
Rice flour 15g Increases the cake’s cohesiveness
Mung beans 50g Adds richness and flavor
Coconut milk 300g Enhances creamy flavor
Sugar 75g Provides sweetness
Natural color/flavor 50g (pandan leaves or butterfly pea flowers) Adds attractive color

Each ingredient not only has its own role but also supports each other to create a perfect cake. The smooth combination of ingredients is essential to achieve a delicious and visually appealing “bánh da lợn.” Soft-cooked mung beans, rich coconut milk, and the aroma of pandan leaves not only help create the perfect texture but also provide a delightful tasting experience.

Flour and Thickening Agents

Tapioca starch is the main component that provides the structure for “bánh da lợn,” making the cake chewy and soft, which is loved by everyone. Rice flour, a supporting ingredient, plays an important role in giving the cake a fragrant aroma and keeping its shape when steamed. Combining tapioca starch and rice flour in the right proportions is necessary to achieve a perfect cake.

Some creative people also add a little wheat flour to increase the cake’s cohesiveness. This helps prevent the cake from crumbling and maintains its beautiful shape between delicate layers. The function of these flours can be compared to building a house, where each brick, each type of flour, plays an important role in creating a solid and satisfying whole.

Effective use of thickening agents not only affects the cake’s good texture but also relates to the flavor. Cakes made from fresh, high-quality flour always create a more delicious and appealing sensation than those not focused on ingredient quality.

Ingredients for the Green Layer

The main ingredients for the green layer of “bánh da lợn” are usually tapioca starch, rice flour, coconut milk, and pandan leaves. Among them, pandan leaves play a very important role, not only providing a beautiful green color but also imparting a distinctive aroma. The texture of the green cake layer is always impressive due to the chewiness and richness from coconut milk, creating a delicious feeling when eaten.

To prepare the green layer, you need about 400ml of coconut milk, 200g of tapioca starch, and 100g of rice flour. Specifically, pandan leaves are used to color the green batter and provide a natural fragrance. You can extract pandan juice by pureeing the leaves with water and then filtering to obtain the green juice. Preparing pandan water requires meticulousness and care, as it will determine the color and flavor of this cake layer.

Once you have all the ingredients, proceed to mix them thoroughly until you have a smooth and uniform mixture. Steaming the first cake layer for about 5 minutes until cooked will be the next step, creating a perfect foundation for the yellow layer on top.

Ingredients for the Yellow Layer

The yellow layer of “bánh da lợn” is typically made from mung beans, coconut milk, sugar, and tapioca starch. Mung beans not only bring natural sweetness but also create a soft texture for this cake layer. To achieve the best flavor, pay attention to choosing mung beans and the processing procedure.

With about 200g of dry mung beans, you need to soak them for 3-4 hours before steaming until soft. This helps the mung beans become softer when pureed. After steaming, puree the mung beans with coconut milk (300ml) and 50g of sugar until the mixture is smooth and uniform. Tapioca starch is also indispensable, helping the yellow layer achieve the right consistency.

The yellow layer will be poured over the green layer after the green layer has been steamed. This process not only creates an attractive appearance with different colored layers but also blends the sweetness of mung beans with the rich flavor of coconut milk.

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Coconut Milk and Pandan Extract

Coconut milk and pandan extract are not only flavoring ingredients but also add richness to “bánh da lợn.” Coconut milk is an essential component in the recipe, playing a role in increasing the cake’s softness and aroma, making each piece creamy and more appealing.

Coconut milk is made from fresh coconuts by grating the coconut meat and blending it with hot water to extract the milk. For many people, making coconut milk at home not only ensures quality but also brings joy and excitement when doing it. When using fresh coconut milk, you will notice a significant difference in flavor compared to canned coconut milk.

Pandan extract not only provides a standout color for the cake but also imparts an unforgettable distinctive aroma. When making the cake, you can create pandan water by washing, chopping, and pureeing pandan leaves with water. Although bottled pandan extract is available, making it at home remains an interesting and beneficial experience.

“Bánh Da Lợn” Making Process

The process of making “bánh da lợn” is not just about mixing ingredients and steaming but also requires technique and meticulousness at each step. From preparing ingredients to steaming each cake layer, everything affects the quality and flavor of the final product. The following steps will guide you in preparing and making “bánh da lợn”:

  1. Preparing Ingredients: All necessary ingredients such as mung beans, tapioca starch, coconut milk, and pandan leaves need to be thoroughly prepared. Mung beans should be soaked for 3-4 hours and steamed before pureeing.
  2. Mixing Batter: Tapioca starch, rice flour, sugar, salt, and coconut milk are well mixed in a bowl until blended. Divide this mixture into two parts: one part will have pandan extract added to create the green layer, the other will be for the yellow layer made from mung beans.
  3. Steaming the Cake: Pour the first batter layer into a steaming tray and steam for about 5-7 minutes until cooked. Then, continue to pour the remaining batter layers in turn, increasing the steaming time for each layer by about 1-2 minutes.
  4. Finishing: When all layers are steamed, let the cake cool for about 10-15 minutes before removing it from the mold and cutting it into small pieces to enjoy.

Preparing Ingredients

To achieve a delicious and visually appealing “bánh da lợn,” preparing the ingredients is a crucial factor. Fresh ingredients will contribute to the cake’s flavor. Here is the specific process of preparing ingredients:

  • Mung bean layer: You need 100-170g mung beans (washed), 400ml coconut milk, 100g sugar, 50g tapioca starch (or rice flour), 2 vanilla tubes, and 1/4 teaspoon salt.
  • Pandan leaf batter layer: Use 60-65g pandan leaves, 200ml water (for blending pandan leaves), 300ml coconut milk, 125g tapioca starch, 125g rice flour, 25g glutinous rice flour, 100g sugar, 1/2 teaspoon salt.

All these ingredients need to be carefully prepared before starting to make the cake. The following steps will help you complete each stage to achieve a perfect “bánh da lợn.”

Cooking Mung Beans

Mung beans are an indispensable component of the yellow layer of “bánh da lợn.” The way mung beans are cooked greatly contributes to the cake’s smoothness and flavor. To cook mung beans, you can follow these steps:

  1. Soaking Mung Beans: First, wash the mung beans and soak them in water for 3-4 hours. This helps the beans soften and become easier to steam.
  2. Steaming Mung Beans: After soaking, steam the mung beans for about 25 minutes until soft. This step not only helps the mung beans release their natural sweetness but also creates smoothness when pureed.
  3. Pureeing: Once the mung beans are cooked, put them in a blender with a little coconut milk, salt, sugar, and tapioca starch. Blend until you have a smooth mixture, then strain through a sieve to ensure smoothness.

Completing the above steps will give you the perfect ingredient for creating the yellow layer of “bánh da lợn,” playing an important role in creating the excellent flavor of this dessert.

Mixing Green Batter

To make the green batter for “bánh da lợn,” each step must be strictly followed to ensure uniformity and appealing color. Here is the specific process for mixing the green batter:

  1. Preparing Ingredients: You need 60g fresh pandan leaves, 2/3 cup coconut milk, 4 drops of green food coloring if needed.
  2. Blending Pandan Leaves: Wash the pandan leaves, chop them, and put them in a blender with coconut milk. Blend until the mixture is uniform.
  3. Filtering Extract: Use a sieve to filter the pandan extract. This extract will be the component that colors and flavors the green batter.
  4. Mixing Batter: Combine pandan extract with tapioca starch, sugar, salt, and coconut milk, stirring until there are no lumps.

A perfect green batter will help create an eye-catching appearance and distinctive flavor for “bánh da lợn.”

Mixing Yellow Batter

The yellow batter is usually made from steamed mung beans, so the mixing process is crucial to ensure the cake’s flavor and soft texture. Here is how to do it:

  1. Preparing Ingredients: Use 170g soaked and steamed mung beans, 3/4 cup coconut milk, a pinch of salt, and 58g sugar.
  2. Blending Mung Beans: After steaming, use a blender to puree the mung beans with coconut milk, salt, and sugar until the desired smoothness is achieved.
  3. Combining with Flour: Then, mix tapioca starch (58g) into the pureed mung bean mixture, stirring until there are no lumps.
  4. Ready to Steam: Now, you have a perfect yellow batter to add along with the green batter. Pour the yellow batter after the green batter has been steamed, continuing the process of steaming the subsequent layers to complete the “bánh da lợn.”

By carefully following each step, you will surely have soft and aromatic yellow cake layers, combined with the colorful green batter on top.

Layering and Steaming the Cake

Layering and steaming are crucial steps in the “bánh da lợn” making process, determining the cake’s appearance and flavor. Ensuring proper layering will help the cake layers not mix and be evenly colored. Here are the specific steps:

  1. Preparing the Mold: Line the mold with non-stick paper or grease it with cooking oil to prevent the cake from sticking.
  2. Layering the Batter: Pour the first green batter layer into the mold and steam for about 5-7 minutes. Ensure the steaming pot’s temperature is just right for the cake layer to cook evenly without drying out.
  3. Proceeding with Each Layer: After the first layer is cooked, gently pour the yellow batter on top. Continue alternating between green and yellow layers, increasing the steaming time for each subsequent layer.
  4. Completing the Steaming: When reaching the final layer, you can steam the entire cake again for about 20 minutes to ensure it is fully cooked.
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“Bánh da lợn” is not just a delicious dish but also a work of art when waiting for each layer to form. The perfect combination of green and yellow layers, the aroma of coconut milk will make the tasting experience both visually pleasing and delightful.

Techniques for Steaming “Bánh Da Lợn”

The technique of steaming “bánh da lợn” is an important part of the process, determining the cake’s appearance and doneness. To succeed in steaming the cake, pay attention to the following important points:

  • Steaming Pot: Choose a suitable steaming pot that can hold enough water to create steam during steaming. Ensure the pot is large enough to comfortably place the cake mold inside.
  • Temperature and Steaming Time: Each batter layer needs to be steamed for a certain time to ensure even cooking. The green layer is usually steamed for 10-11 minutes, and the yellow layer for 11-12 minutes. For the final layer, the steaming time can be extended to 15-20 minutes.
  • Covering the Lid: Use a clean towel to cover the lid, preventing water from dripping onto the cake, keeping it from getting soggy.
  • Checking Doneness: Use a toothpick to check the cake’s doneness. If the toothpick comes out clean, the cake is evenly cooked.

The technique of steaming “bánh da lợn” requires patience and precision to create a perfect product with a clean, beautiful appearance and a sweet flavor from the harmoniously combined cake layers.

Necessary Equipment

To conveniently make “bánh da lợn” at home, prepare some basic equipment. Here is a list of necessary tools:

  1. Steaming Pot: A medium-sized steaming pot that can hold enough water during steaming.
  2. Mold or Steaming Tray: Preferably choose a tray made of stainless steel or heat-resistant plastic, lined with parchment paper for easy cake removal.
  3. Clean Towel: To cover the steaming lid to prevent water from dripping onto the cake.
  4. Measuring Cup or Spoon: To measure ingredients accurately for each step.
  5. Spoon or Spatula: For stirring and pouring the batter into the mold easily.
  6. Small Tip: Regularly check the water level in the steaming pot to ensure it doesn’t run dry, affecting the cake steaming process.

With the right and sufficient equipment, making “bánh da lợn” will become simpler and more enjoyable, allowing you to create delicious cakes for family and friends.

Steaming Time for Each Layer

The steaming time for “bánh da lợn” is very important and varies between layers. Ensure you monitor the time to easily control the cake’s quality. Here is the suggested steaming time for each cake layer:

  • Green Layer: Steam for about 10-11 minutes for each layer, for the first layer after pouring the batter, steam for 5 minutes first, then remove and steam again for another 5 minutes.
  • Yellow Layer: The steaming time for the yellow layer is about 11-12 minutes, depending on the thickness of the layer poured over the previous green layer. Make sure to fill the pot with enough water.
  • Next Layers: Subsequent layers need longer steaming, possibly up to 15-20 minutes for the final layer, to ensure the cake is fully cooked.

Time is a determining factor in the success of “bánh da lợn.” A cake steamed for the right amount of time will have the desired softness and chewiness.

Notes When Steaming

When steaming “bánh da lợn,” there are several important notes to create perfect cakes. Here are the points to remember:

  1. Preparing the Mold: Clean the mold and apply a layer of cooking oil to prevent the cake from sticking.
  2. Boiling Water: Ensure the water in the steaming pot is always boiling vigorously. Check regularly; if the water runs out, the cake will not cook evenly.
  3. Covering the Steamer Lid: Use a clean towel to cover the lid, which helps retain steam and prevents water from dripping onto the cake.
  4. Checking Doneness: Use a toothpick to pierce the cake to check if it is cooked. If the toothpick comes out clean, the cake is cooked.
  5. Condensation: Let the cake cool completely before cutting it into pieces to avoid it falling apart.

These notes will help you achieve “bánh da lợn” with the best quality, offering delicious and impressive flavors.

Accompaniments with “Bánh Da Lợn”

“Bánh da lợn” is often enjoyed with other dishes to enrich the tasting experience. There are many attractive pairing options such as hot tea, fresh fruits, or Vietnamese coffee, which help highlight the cake’s sweet and nutty flavors.

Hot Tea

Hot tea is one of the popular drinks often paired with “bánh da lợn.” When enjoying the cake, a cup of hot tea can help lighten the cake’s sweetness, creating a refreshing and relaxing sensation for the user. Many types of tea, such as green tea, chrysanthemum tea, or herbal tea, bring unique flavors that blend with the cake.

Tea enthusiasts can also try brewing tea with a little ginger or lemon to create novelty and interest in the culinary experience. This combination not only attracts with its colors but also creates a harmonious taste sensation, making the meal more memorable.

Fresh Fruits

Another option you can enjoy with “bánh da lợn” is fresh fruits. Fruits like mango, pineapple, or custard apple not only bring freshness but also balance the cake’s sweet and creamy flavors. Fruits not only supplement vitamins and minerals but also make the meal more diverse in colors and flavors.

The freshness of fruits combined with the distinctive flavor of “bánh da lợn” promises to provide a pleasant experience and satisfy all senses when enjoying.

Vietnamese Coffee

Vietnamese coffee is another great choice to enjoy with “bánh da lợn.” With its rich flavor, Vietnamese coffee is often brewed with sugar and condensed milk, creating a perfect combination with the cake’s sweetness. The contrast between the cake’s sweet creaminess and the coffee’s bitterness creates a full culinary experience for the taster.

Cultural Significance of “Bánh Da Lợn”

“Bánh da lợn” is not only a delicious dish but also carries profound cultural values. With its appealing appearance and distinctive flavor, the cake is present at many festive occasions, weddings, and family gatherings, reflecting the respect and hospitality of the Vietnamese people.

“Bánh da lợn” is also a symbol of connection and reunion among family members. When these cakes are displayed on the party table, everyone feels warmth, love, and care from one another. This is why “bánh da lợn” becomes an indispensable dish on important occasions, helping to connect emotions and relationships among people.

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“Bánh Da Lợn” in Festivals

“Bánh da lợn” is often chosen as a gift or served to guests during major festivals like the Lunar New Year (Tết Nguyên Đán). The colorful cakes not only attract attention with their appearance but also convey blessings to the recipient.

During festivals, stalls often display a variety of colorful “bánh da lợn” cakes. The laughter and well-wishes during celebrations, especially in the afternoon when people gather to share slices of “bánh da lợn,” create a warm and united atmosphere.

The Role of the Cake in Special Occasions

“Bánh da lợn” plays an important role in special occasions, from parties and birthdays to family gatherings. It is a symbolic gift representing care and love among family members and friends.

Whenever there is a reunion, the colors and flavors of “bánh da lợn” often make people feel closer. The fragrant aroma of the cake easily spreads, making the atmosphere joyful and lively, bringing happiness to participants.

Variations of “Bánh Da Lợn”

“Bánh da lợn” not only retains its traditional recipe but also has many attractive variations to meet the needs of modern diners. These variations not only enrich the flavors but also showcase culinary creativity.

“Bánh Da Lợn” with Fruits

One unique variation is “bánh da lợn” with fruits. The colors and flavors of the cake can be enhanced by adding fruits like strawberries, mangoes, or soursop. These fruits can be mashed or pureed to create a delicious and novel cake layer.

In addition to changing the flavor, the presence of fresh fruits brings a refreshing and pleasant feeling to the meal, enhancing the consumer’s tasting experience. The creativity of “bánh da lợn” with fruit layers not only offers a fresh impression but also reflects the fusion of traditional and modern culinary cultures.

“Bánh Da Lợn” with New Flavors

With creativity in each step of preparation, modern “bánh da lợn” has been made with many new flavors. Flavors like taro, purple yam, or even durian have been incorporated into the cake, bringing a new twist to this traditional dish.

Bakers are often very skillful in optimizing the flavors and colors for each piece of cake, ensuring diners always have a novel experience without getting bored. These types of cakes often become highlights at parties, attracting the attention of food enthusiasts.

“Bánh Da Lợn” Meets Market Demand

“Bánh da lợn” continues to evolve and adapt to market demands. Nowadays, with changing preferences and consumption trends, many types of cakes are produced to cater to different audiences. Variations with organic ingredients or low sugar content have appeared to meet the needs of consumers who prefer healthier products.

The diversity of “bánh da lợn” today is also reflected in its presence not only at festivals or parties but also in cafes or pastry shops in major cities. This shows the strong appeal of this traditional cake in the hearts of consumers.

“Bánh Da Lợn” Recipe

The recipe for “bánh da lợn” can be adapted and modified, but it still requires adherence to some basic principles to maintain the authentic flavor of the dish. Below is a diverse recipe you can refer to:

Classic Recipe

This is the traditional recipe that most people are familiar with, featuring basic ingredients such as tapioca flour, rice flour, mung beans, and coconut milk. The classic flavor of the cake remains a favorite choice on special occasions.


Mung Bean Layer:

  • 100g peeled mung beans
  • 400ml coconut milk
  • 100g sugar
  • 50g tapioca flour
  • 35g rice flour
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 2 vanilla pods or 2 teaspoons liquid vanilla

Pandan Layer:

  • 65g pandan leaves
  • 200ml water
  • 300ml coconut milk
  • 125g tapioca flour
  • 125g rice flour
  • 25g glutinous rice flour
  • 100g sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt


  1. Prepare the mung bean layer: Steam the mung beans and puree them to create a smooth mixture.
  2. Prepare the pandan layer: Blend the pandan leaves and mix well with the other ingredients.
  3. Steam the cake: Layer the mixtures alternately and steam for the correct duration.
  4. Finish: Let cool and cut into pieces.

Modern Recipe

The modern recipe combines traditional ingredients with some tips to enhance the flavor and texture of the cake. With continuous development, many people have creatively added new flavors and ingredients to this cake.

Ingredients Needed:

  • Cake flour: 100g rice flour, 50g glutinous rice flour, 50g tapioca flour.
  • Peeled mung beans: 100g (soaked overnight to soften).
  • Coconut milk: 400ml (use pure coconut milk).
  • Pandan leaf extract: 90g fresh pandan leaves.
  • Sugar: 100g (adjust to taste).
  • Salt: 1/4 teaspoon.


  1. Cook the mung beans and mash them with sugar.
  2. Make green batter from pandan leaf extract.
  3. Create yellow color from mung beans and steam the layers.
  4. Let cool and enjoy.

Tips for a Better Cake

To achieve a delicious and appealing “bánh da lợn,” here are some small tips to keep in mind:

  • Use fresh ingredients: Fresh ingredients always enhance the flavor and quality of the cake.
  • Beat the batter thoroughly: To achieve a smooth and translucent cake layer, beating the batter is crucial.
  • Accurate steaming time: Monitor the time carefully to prevent the cake from being undercooked or dry.
  • Add flavorings: A touch of vanilla or coconut essence can enhance the cake’s appeal.
  • Condensed water: Use a towel to absorb water on the pot lid to prevent it from dripping onto the cake, causing it to become wet.

“Bánh da lợn” is not only a delicious dish but also a source of pride in Vietnamese culinary culture. Paying attention to each step of the cake-making process not only creates delicious cakes but also reflects the love and meticulousness of the baker towards their homeland’s cuisine.

“Bánh da lợn” is not merely a simple dessert; it is a symbol of connection and affection among Vietnamese people during festivals and family gatherings. Through each carefully steamed layer, one can appreciate the sophistication and artistry in the country’s traditional cuisine.

With many variations and appealing flavors, “bánh da lợn” not only satisfies the taste buds of diners but also secures a firm place in the hearts of Vietnamese people. Additionally, the cake is being elevated with new recipes, making it an indispensable choice for any party or special occasion. Take some time to share this “bánh da lợn” with friends and family, so that each slice is not only a delightful taste but also a beautiful and unforgettable memory.

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